Whistleblowing and Business Ethics Hotline Policy


云顶集团糖果游戏 Holdings, Inc. 及其附属公司(统称“皇冠”)致力维持其价值观,并按照最高的道德标准运作. To fulfill this commitment, 云顶集团糖果游戏 depends upon every director, officer, and employee to conduct business with integrity; to respect and obey all applicable laws, rules, and regulations; and to strive to adhere to the highest standards of honesty, morality, and decency in the performance of his or her job responsibilities.

为了进一步履行这一承诺,云顶集团糖果游戏承诺营造一个可以提出关切和解决问题的环境,而不必担心遭到报复, 云顶集团糖果游戏正在与云顶集团糖果游戏新的商业道德线(“CBE线”)一起实施这一独立的举报政策。.  The CBE Line serves as a confidential channel, administered by a third party, for employees, directors, officers, consultants, customers, 供应商和商业伙伴善意地报告可能违反皇冠商业行为和道德准则或任何其他适用的皇冠政策或法律要求的行为.


Whistleblowing Policy

Every employee bears the responsibility to protect 云顶集团糖果游戏’s reputation and integrity. If you know or believe that, in the conduct of business for or on behalf of 云顶集团糖果游戏, someone has violated applicable law, 云顶集团糖果游戏’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics or any other applicable policy or legal requirement, it is important that you report the violation. 云顶集团糖果游戏 employees may report any such violations to (i) their supervisors, (ii) their plant managers or equivalent, (iii)相关区域合规官或(iv)由独立第三方提供商管理的CBE专线, Lighthouse Services.  Complaints about workplace issues or disputes such as grievances regarding performance evaluations, hours of work, wages, raises, disagreements with peers or supervisor, etc., are often best addressed to the relevant Human Resources personnel.

While each employee should report possible violations in the manner with which s/he is most comfortable, employees are strongly encouraged to report any concerns to their supervisors first.  如果任何员工以任何方式对向主管报告此类违规行为感到犹豫(例如, if the supervisor is personally involved in the violation), s/he may report the violation to the plant manager, the relevant regional Compliance Officer, the CBE Line or, in the case of interpersonal or employment issues, to the relevant Human Resources personnel. Subject to applicable law, reports will remain anonymous upon request. Because it is sometimes more difficult for the Company to investigate reports that are made anonymously, 鼓励个人直接向他们的主管或工厂经理报告他们的担忧,或者在联系CBE热线时分享他们的身份, assuming they feel it is safe to do so. External business associates, such as 云顶集团糖果游戏 suppliers, sub-contractors or customers, may also report violations to the CBE Line.




This Policy is intended to encourage 云顶集团糖果游戏 employees, directors, officers, consultants, customers, vendors, sub-contractors and business associates to report, pursuant to the procedures set forth below, when they believe in good faith that unethical or illegal behavior, such as a violation of 云顶集团糖果游戏’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (“Code”), 云顶集团糖果游戏’s Supplier Code of Conduct, 云顶集团糖果游戏’s Human Rights Policy or 云顶集团糖果游戏’s Anti-Corruption Policy (collectively “云顶集团糖果游戏’s Compliance Codes”), the law, or any other applicable legal requirement or policy, has occurred.¹ For purposes of this Policy, unethical or illegal behavior includes, without limitation:

  • Bribes, kickbacks or facilitation payments
  • Improper financial reporting, fraud, money laundering, or embezzlement
  • Anti-competitive practices such as agreements with competitors regarding pricing strategies or bids
  • Illegal insider trading
  • Falsification of company records
  • Concerns about accounting/auditing practices or the accuracy of financial statements or auditing matters
  • Excessive gift(s) from a vendor, partner, or customer
  • Harassment of or discrimination against an employee 
  • Theft of 云顶集团糖果游戏 assets for personal benefit
  • Purchase of personal items with company funds
  • Serious health and safety violations, including environmental concerns

当个人在举报时真诚地相信所举报的事实是真实的,并且可能发生了违反政策或非法行为时,举报是“善意的”. Reports that are made maliciously, or in bad faith, are themselves violations of 云顶集团糖果游戏’s Compliance Codes and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or business relationships.



Generally, 云顶集团糖果游戏员工应首先报告他们对可能违反云顶集团糖果游戏合规准则的行为的任何担忧, the law, or other applicable policy or legal requirement to their supervisors. The supervisor is usually in the best position to answer any questions and offer guidance. If you feel hesitant in any way about reporting a possible violation to your supervisor, you may report your concern to the HR manager (for interpersonal or employment issues), plant manager or the relevant regional Compliance Officer. If you do not feel comfortable raising your concerns through 云顶集团糖果游戏’s traditional reporting channels, you may contact 云顶集团糖果游戏’s CBE Line.

The CBE Line is supported by a third-party vendor, Lighthouse Services, and staffed by trained professionals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To access the CBE Line, follow the instructions below:

  • Website: www.lighthouse-services.com/crowncork
  • English speaking USA and Canada: (877) 222-3029 (not available from Mexico)
  • Spanish speaking USA and Canada: (800) 216-1288 (not available from Mexico)
  • French speaking Canada: (855) 725-0002
  • Mexico: 800-681-5340
  • Outside of North America: 
  1. Make sure you have an outside line.
  2. Enter the Access Code for the country and/or the telephone system you are calling from. (See table below. Note Access Codes are subject to change - see AT&T Access Codes (att.com)). 
  3. When prompted, enter the toll-free number (800) 603-2869. There is no need to dial “1” before the toll-free number.
  4. You are now connected to the CBE Line. A Lighthouse greeting will be played in multiple languages. Make a choice from the prompts or press 0 and tell the English operator the language you speak. An interpreter will then join the call.

Ethics Hotline Access Codes

Barbados: 1-800-225-5288   
Belgium: 0-800-100-10   
Brazil: 0-800-890-0288   
Brazil: 0-800-888-8288   
Cambodia: 1-800-881-001   
China (South, Shanghai - CT): 10-811   
China (North, Beijing CNCG): 108-888   
Colombia: 01-800-911-0010   
Columbia (Spanish): 01-800-911-0011   
France (Orange): 0-800-99-0011   
France (Telecom Development): 0-805-701-288   
Germany: 0-800-225-5288
Greece: 00-800-1311   
Hong Kong (Hong Kong Telephone): 800-96-1111   
Hong Kong (New World Telephone): 800-93-2266   
Hungary: 06-800-011-11   
Indonesia: 001-801-10   
Italy: 800-172-444   
Jamaica: 1-800-872-2881
Jordan: 1-880-0000
Malaysia: 1-800-80-0011
Poland: 0-0-800-111-1111
Saudi Arabia*
Singapore (SingTel): 800-011-1111
Singapore (StarHub): 800-001-0001
Slovakia: 0-800-000-101
Spain: 900-99-0011
Switzerland: 0-800-890011
Thailand: 1-800-0001-33
Turkey: 0-811-288-0001
United Arab Emirates: 8000-021
United Arab Emirates (du): 8000-555-66
United Arab Emirates (Military-USO & Cellular): 8000-061
United Kingdom: 0-800-89-0011
Vietnam (VNPT): 1-201-0288
Vietnam (Viettel): 1-228-0288

* Reporting by phone is not currently available for this location. Please use the online reporting option to submit a concern.

  • E-mail: reports@lighthouse-services.com (NOTE: you must include 云顶集团糖果游戏’s name with your report)
  • Mail: Lighthouse Services, 1710 Walton Road, Blue Bell, PA 19422 USA (NOTE: you must include 云顶集团糖果游戏’s name with your report)

Concerns expressed anonymously will be investigated, with consideration given to the seriousness of the issue raised, the credibility of the concern, and the likelihood of confirming the allegation from attributable sources. 

Reporters are encouraged to provide as much specific information as possible, including names, dates, places and events that took place; the general nature of the concern; and how the reporter became aware of the issue. 我们亦鼓励记者提供所有证明文件或参考资料,以协助皇冠作出适当的投诉评估.



Initial Receipt of Report

所有向CBE热线的报告都将尽快得到确认(通常在7天内,具体取决于司法管辖区)。.  收到报告的确认并不表示报告中的指控属于本政策的范围或将被正式调查. 如果报报告人提供的资料不完整或不足以使云顶集团糖果游戏适当地评估有关问题的有效性或范围,则可在收讫确认函中要求提供额外资料. 如果皇冠不能提供收据的确认,由于缺乏准确的联系信息在报告中, the reporter may obtain follow-up information regarding his or her concern by contacting the CBE Line. 

云顶集团糖果游戏’s Legal Department will receive a copy of each report lodged with the CBE Line.  The Legal Department will assign the report to the appropriate departments (e.g., Human Resources, Finance, Internal Audit, 法律),以确定所报告的问题是否在本政策的范围内,以及是否需要进行正式调查. 所采取的行动将取决于问题的性质(投诉类型是否适用于本政策)以及所提供信息的水平. Reports will only be shared with employees and third parties involved in the investigation. 任何参与调查并收到报告的人都有保密义务. Note that some concerns may be resolved by agreed upon action without the need for a formal investigation.

对于所报告的问题是否属于本政策的范围,以及是否有必要进行调查,将根据所有适用的法律法规尽快作出决定. In the event it is determined that the reported concern does not fall within the scope of this Policy, 记者将被通知,CBE热线从记者那里收集的任何个人数据将被销毁或根据适用法律的要求匿名化. 

Investigation of Reports Within Scope of Policy

如果确定报告的问题在本政策的范围内,并且需要进行调查, the assigned departments (e.g., Human Resources, Finance, Internal Audit, Legal) will initiate the investigation.  The manner of the investigation will vary depending on the nature of the reported concern. If a report does not include all relevant facts, and additional facts cannot be obtained by the investigators after reasonable efforts, there may be insufficient information to fully investigate the concern. Any person who has access to information during the course of an investigation, including third parties investigating on behalf of 云顶集团糖果游戏, is bound by a strict obligation of confidentiality. 任何调查都将以中立和客观的方式进行,并将遵守所有适用的当地法律法规. 完成一项调查所需的时间将视所指控的行为的类型和有关资料的可得性而有所不同. To the extent the investigators deem appropriate, and in accordance with all applicable local laws and regulations, the reporter will be advised of the progress of the investigation and will receive feedback.  

Upon completion of the investigation, and as permitted by applicable law, 皇冠可能会采取纠正措施和/或对报告的主题采取纪律处分. The specific actions taken by 云顶集团糖果游戏 will vary with the matter at hand and the results of any investigation. 皇冠将努力通知记者,调查已经完成,并采取适当的措施, if any, have been taken.  All employees are expected to fully cooperate with any investigation performed by or on behalf of 云顶集团糖果游戏. 



云顶集团糖果游戏 will not tolerate retaliation or any retribution against anyone who, in good faith, reports a violation of 云顶集团糖果游戏’s Compliance Codes, or who participates in the investigation of such a report, even if sufficient evidence is not found to substantiate the concern. Anyone who reports, 就可能发生的违规行为提出报告或寻求建议,将受到尊严和尊重的对待. Employees will not be subjected to any form of discipline or retaliation for reports made in good faith. 任何被发现对善意举报违规行为的皇冠员工进行报复或以任何方式惩罚的皇冠员工都将受到纪律处分, up to and including termination. 滥用CBE热线或恶意或恶意报告违反了皇冠的合规准则,并可能导致纪律处分, including termination of employment or business relationships. 

Additional protection measures may be provided in local jurisdictions depending on applicable laws.



Unless an individual is located in a country that restricts anonymous reporting, the CBE Line permits individuals to report concerns anonymously, at their discretion. Independent trained personnel, who are not 云顶集团糖果游戏 employees, administer the hotline. When a reporter requests anonymity, every effort will be made by the administrators of the CBE Line to protect the reporter’s identity. 请注意,举报人报告中提供的任何信息都可能成为云顶集团糖果游戏对所报告事项进行内部和/或外部调查的基础. 

If a reporter provides his or her identity, or the reporter’s identity becomes known to 云顶集团糖果游戏, the Company will take all reasonable measures to keep the reporter’s identity confidential. Information relating to a reported concern is only communicated to the extent necessary. Any authorized individuals who have access to such information, including third parties involved in any investigation, will keep the identity of the reporter and any information related to the reported concern confidential. 在调查过程中收集的任何个人资料,只会保留至调查程序结束为止, where required by applicable law.


Last Revised: August 2024

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¹ In the event the potential concern relates to 云顶集团糖果游戏’s Transit Packaging Division (Signode), please contact Signode’s Confidential Hotline at www.sighelpline.ethicspoint.com.